Thankfully, due to research, modern medicine and the work of quality endocrinologists, diabetes is now a disease that many people can live with, as opposed to die from. Medical care allows patients to keep inventory of their condition, so that they are able to live their lives and make sure that they make the proper decisions that come with the territory. If you have diabetes and want some tips on changing your lifestyle, taking your medicine safely and overcoming the illness, consider this guide as your resource. 

#1: Keep A Journal And Regulate Your Food Intake And Shot Administration  

You will need to be deliberate about how you eat your food every single day. A helpful way to do this is by keeping a journal in which you keep notes on how much food you ate and what time you ate it. For best results, you should keep a regular schedule of when you take your shots daily and try to eat the same amount of food every day before you take your insulin shot. 

ā€‹#2: Add More Fiber To Your Diet

As a diabetic patient, you can do a great service to yourself and your body by adding more fiber to your daily intake. Fiber is great at actively helping you fight diabetes. It does this by aiding your blood sugar regulation. This also decreases the risk of heart disease, which has its own set of complications and risks. Further, since you will feel full from fiber intake, you will also eat less and are more likely to stay away from foods that are harmful. When possible, get your fiber from natural, whole grain food sources. 

#3: Live A More Active Lifestyle

The absolute best thing you can do for yourself and your diabetes problems is to start working out. You can do this in a number of ways, including weight training, running and jogging, walking, martial arts, dance and anything else that excites you. It is best to choose something that you enjoy and know that you will stick to, because working out must be a lifestyle, rather than just something that you do out of obligation. 

With these tips, you will have a better chance of living with your condition and making the most of the rest of your life. If you have any questions or concerns, touch base with local endocrinologist clinics & medical centers, so that they can set you straight. 
