You may want to get veneers, but not every person is a candidate. If you are considering veneers, then here are a few things that will help you to know if they will work for you.

Missing and Teeth

First, veneers are not designed to replace missing teeth, so this is not an option if you need dental implants. Veneers are designed to go over your real teeth, so you must have teeth in place for them to work.

If you get a crown first and then veneers capped over the rest of your real teeth, then there should be no issue. 

Also, if you have crooked teeth and are trying to make your teeth look straight, then veneers will not fix this problem either. Because crooked teeth tend to overlap, veneers will not fix this problem. Even if the dentist shaves the teeth down more than normal for the veneers, you will still have the problem of your teeth not being in line.

Discolored Teeth

If you have discolored teeth, then veneers can be right for you. If you have damaged nerves or dead nerves that have discolored your teeth, there is no amount of bleach that will fix this problem.

Veneers can be a great solution to cap these teeth. As a general rule, you will need to do multiple veneers instead of just doing a veneer on one tooth. Even though your dentist can make the veneer look similar to the color and shape of your other teeth, they may not look exactly the same.

That is why you would want to get all of the front top teeth done if you have a dead tooth in the front. Everything will look uniform, and people will not be able to tell that you have veneers.

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Lastly, if you have healthy teeth and gums with minimal problems, then veneers can also work for you. You will not be able to get them if you have unfilled cavities, the need for a root canal, or if you have gum problems that are affecting your teeth.

The last thing you want is for veneers to trap these problems within your teeth, and then you will have even more problems. Your dentist will first have to make sure that all of these problems are solved, and then you can get veneers.

By understanding these factors, you can now know if you are good candidate for veneers. You should still visit your dentist to get a professional opinion, and then you can be certain. Have more questions? Need more help? If you want to address your concerns, try contacting a professional like Aaron G Birch, DDS PC to learn more.
