How many times have you fumbled around searching for your glasses in the early morning hours only to accidentally knock them off your nightstand? What about those middle of the night runs to let Fido out as you wind up being the one to bark when your shins make contact with the coffee table? Maybe this is the time that you finally give serious thought to laser surgery and decide if it is the right choice for you.

Benefits of Laser Surgery

The shape of your cornea affects your vision. Irregularities in the shape of it can make it necessary for you to wear glasses or contacts. Laser surgery is the precise removal of corneal tissue so that its power can be refocused. Undergoing this outpatient surgery – which typically takes only a few minutes – has a number of benefits:

  • Better vision: You may not end up with 20/20 vision, but it will certainly be improved to potentially not need glasses or contacts. For most people, they do not. These results are not bad considering you only have to undergo one surgical procedure.
  • No more contacts: You will save on the cost of contacts and contact solutions. You will also save time, since you will not have to put contacts in before you can start your day. Don't exclude the horror of losing a contact and all the time spent looking for it.
  • Prescription glasses become obsolete: Glasses these days are as much of a fashion statement as jewelry or a hat. With laser surgery, though, you can wear glasses that contain only plain lenses, making it much easier to simply swap them out for a different look every day of the week.
  • Recovery time is minimal: In addition to the surgery itself lasting less than 30 minutes according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, your recovery time is also pretty short. While you will not be able to drive right afterward, most patients can return to any light normal activities the next day.

Risks to Consider Before Making a Decision

While every surgery has some risks associated with it. Laser surgery has specific risks as well. Most people report improved vision, but some patients could lose lines of vision that cannot be corrected. You could also end up with visual symptoms such as halos, glare, or double vision. Some patients are either over-treated or under-treated and still require corrective lenses even after laser surgery. You could also develop dry eye syndrome that can be permanent.

Like any other surgery, it is recommended that you speak with your ophthalmologist, such as Jo Johnson, in detail and decide if the rewards outweigh the benefits.
