After a hysterectomy, there is a period of recovery that can last weeks. You might be prepared for the occasional pain that occurs, but there are side effects that can cause some discomfort. If you are having a hysterectomy, here are a few side effects that you can experience and some ways to alleviate the discomfort.
One of the most commonly experienced and least talked about side effects that can occur after a hysterectomy is constipation. The risk of having constipation is decreased if you act soon after the surgery. There are several things you can do, including watching your diet.
In the first few weeks following the surgery, try to incorporate more fiber-rich foods in your diet. Foods, such as wheat and multigrain products, have a high fiber count. You also need to drink more water. The water will be vital in helping to keep your stools soft. Your OB/GYN might recommend increasing your water intake temporarily until your recovery is complete.
Back Pain
Back pain is also another common side effect that you will likely experience. You can get relief from the pain with the help of pillows. Place a pillow under your knees when you are resting. The pillows will help to relieve some of the pressure you are experiencing.
You should also try to keep moving. It might be difficult in the first few days, but the more mobility you retain, the less strain there will be on your back. Short walks are enough until you are fully recovered. If you want to increase the amount of exercise you are doing, talk to your OB/GYN before doing so.
Circulation Problems
Circulation problems are a serious concern following a hysterectomy. If you are not careful, you could develop deep venous thrombosis, or blood clots, during your recovery. Due to the life-threatening nature of blood clots, it is imperative you act to avoid developing them.
Staying active is crucial. Since your movements will be limited in the days following the surgery, try calf muscle exercises. You can straighten your legs while resting and rotate your ankles up and down several times per hour. When you are resting, avoid crossing your legs. The act decreases the flow of blood throughout your legs.
Talk to your OB/GYN to learn more about the possible side effects you can experience and what you can do to ease them as you recover from the gynecology surgery.